Tales of Water, Wu-Lung Lu

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Project Description

Architecture is often intended to be primarily functional but its narrative aspects are neglected.

Not only can narrative help architecture to be more communicative, but it also has the potential of driving an architecture project.

This diploma wishes to explore how to create space through a flux of water-themed narrative.

Out of my predilection for both narrative and water, I aim to challenge the generic understandings of how a project is being developed.

Besides, new senses of water are expected to be breed along the way.

Water is a complete poetic reality.

It is bound to have unity despite the variety of forms and images in which it is presented to our eyes.

Its liquid, transitory and receptive gesture forms the essence of this project.

There is no rigid plan in the making of this project.

Searching for water among different media, such as literature, film, and architecture, I float on the river of identified materials, trying to elaborate sensible narrative so as to approach innovation.

Collage is considered as a methodology.

By gazing at water, contemplating meanings of water, registering different situations of water, I take steps by steps that hold on a certain novelty.

Architecture emerges by narrating on each moment of this process, in an attempt to let the project remain interpretable, in much the same way water means to human beings.

model pic

Water in Literature

Water in Film

States of Water


cloud / mist / fog

water vapour / steam

drizzle / rain / freezing rain / rain and snow mixed / sleet / ice pellets / graupel / hail / snow

rainstorm / snowstorm / ice storm / blizzard

dew / frost / guttation / waterdrop / raindrop / snowflake / ice crystals

ice / rime ice / icicle / ice spike / slush / glaze /glacier / avalanche

river / stream / creek / brook / flood

channel / bank / bar / riffle / ford / weir / thalweg / knickpoint / rill / canal / aqueduct / ditch

headwaters / spring / seep / waterfall / cascade / cataract / tributary / confluence

puddle / pool / pond / lake

marsh / carr / swamp / bog / fen / pocosin / mire / wetland 

ripple / wave / swell / whirlpool / swirl / eddy

inlet / sound / cove / bight / bay / gulf / lagoon / estuary / fjord / strait

ocean / sea / current / tide

Video Tryout